In my previous posts, I mentioned several times that Trello can also be a wonderful personal time management tool, although originally it's designed for multi-user project management. After some googling, I found looks like no one has published usage like this before. So I'll share it here.
Reading Notes: the Willpower Instinct
Finished the book The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It. And want to share some notes, mainly taking-away messages.
- Simple (scientific) ways to improve willpower: physical exercises, breath slower, relax, sleep well.
- Willpower is like muscle. It will …
Easy EC2 Sharing (While You Pay the Bill)
AWS is becoming more and more useful for our research, given its ease to build clusters, and the generous sponsor from, we are using it extensively for research. To save cost, we definitely want to shut the machines down when they are not in use. However, the fact …
Be An Observer
Looking Down at Yourself
After doing meditation for years, reading about self-control/willpower stuffs, and receiving professional pilot training, I gradually notice an interesting status -- being an observer. This is in contrast with the status of being a star in your own stage, diving in the surroundings and reacting relying …
中小学生的教育 and Personal Resource Management
听了一些家长和初中班主任的交流,有个感受是中小学生的教育主要要面临两个问题:孩子的主动性(我 …