Articles in the Computing category

  1. Redefine AI tools with a Builder's Mindset

    When ChatGPT was first launched, I tried using it to plan a trip, but the experience was quite poor. It often hallucinated, got addresses wrong, or recommended non-existent attractions. Since the interface was entirely text-based, I couldn't see the locations of the attractions on a map. I eventually had to …

    Tagged as : English AI
  2. What Makes a Large Model a Foundation Model: a Historical Perspective

    After the release of ChatGPT, the term "Foundation Model" suddenly became a hot topic. Both independent media and research institutions and enterprises are enthusiastically researching and launching their own foundation models. Tencent Research once conducted an incomplete survey, showing that there are over 200 foundation models under development in China …

    Tagged as : English AI
  3. 退订ChatGPT后,我选择了Poe


    除了GPT的智能水平不断降低、偷懒程度不断升高之外,还有一个重要的原因:我发现了Quora的一个AI平台,叫做Poe。Poe是一个集成式的AI平台和社区,上面可以一站式地使用 …

    Tagged as : Chinese AI Poe GPT
  4. Exploring Poe: A Versatile Alternative to ChatGPT

    Today, I canceled my paid ChatGPT subscription.

    Besides GPT's declining intelligence and increasing laziness, there's another important reason: I discovered an AI platform on Quora called Poe. Poe is an integrated AI platform and community where you can use various open-source or proprietary AI models like GPT, Claude, Llama, Flux …

    Tagged as : English AI Poe GPT

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