1. From Object Oriented Programming to Comment Oriented Programming -- Effective AI Assisted Programming

    Anyone who has seriously used AI for programming can attest to the profound impact it has had on our efficiency, effectiveness, and methodology in coding. Whether it's GPT-4, Claude V3, or Copilot, these tools have revolutionized how we approach programming tasks. Most real-world programs rely on relatively straightforward data structures …

  2. When and How Not to Use AI

    I've been touting the mantra "AI can solve everything" in my social circles for more than a minute, but today, I'm about to switch tunes and indulge in a bit of self-contradiction. That is, once we've got a grip on the capabilities and limitations of AI, understanding what it can …

  3. 高效Prompt Engineering指南

    我一直认为LLM/AI,比如GPT的出现极大地降低了很多领域的门槛。 最近在我强烈推荐下,周围不少人开始尝试使用LLM来处理更加复杂的任务。 但我们交流以后发现,他们的使用体验通常很 …

    Tagged as : AI Chinese

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