- 音频碎碎念(一)—— HiFi科学派(本文)
- 音频碎碎念(二)—— 响度的玄学
- 音频碎碎念(三)—— 频率的玄学
- 音频碎 …
ZWO最近送测了一台AM5赤道仪,我架到三脚架上一开光,导星均方误差(RMS)直接到了1.41角秒。当时就觉得这个赤道仪实在是太烂了,1.41角秒这是在搞笑么。于是我把同样的器 …
I recently started a new project of my own weight management, and had some learnings on the which metrics to optimize. I share it here hoping it would inspire someone in selecting metrics in ML systems.
I'm a deep believer of "if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it …
推荐一个健康管理神器,CGM,持续血糖监测仪。是一个小传感器,"贴"在肚皮上,就可以每5分钟测一次血糖,并且和手机同步。它有什么好处呢,对 …
Recently some of my friends graduated from school and began their career as software engineers. And they asked me for suggestions on an effective start in the industry. I took this opportunity to think about my career, and summarized a few key learnings that I wish I …