Articles in the Alive category

  1. An rm and git accident

    The background is, I have a git repo of nodejs code. There is a controllers folder in the repo, which I just made some (well, a lot of) changes and am about to commit the staged changes.

    Then in the root folder of the repo, I suddenly have an urge …

    Tagged as : Linux Chinese
  2. Experience about Hertz 24/7

    Hertz 24/7 is basically Hertz's zipcar. Register to get $75 credit, can be combined with Columbia's Gold Plus Rewards. Also swipe the key nob (an RFID chip) and good to go. I rent a car in my California trip around July 4th, and share some experience with you here …

    Tagged as : Travel English
  3. 写在夏天的尾巴

    还记得当时刚去加州的时候和琳一起改推荐信,得知她成功拿到台湾交换的offer,一起讨论research/写代码,然后她怎么突然就回 …

    Tagged as : Chinese
  4. 慢慢来比较快


    生活平稳的标志是,可以摒除干扰 …

    Tagged as : Chinese

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