Articles by grapeot

  1. Devin和Agent Cursor使用体验对比

    最近我充了500美元一个月的AI编程工具Devin。 他号称是一个全能的实习生,可以做很多传统的AI工具,比如Cursor和Windsurf之类做不了的事情。 在使用了一段时间之后,我确实感到了他和Cursor在设计理念和使用体验上有着巨大的不同,在 …

    Tagged as : Chinese AI Programming
  2. Comparison between Devin and Agent Cursor

    I recently subscribed to Devin, an AI programming tool, for $500 per month. It claims to be a versatile intern capable of performing many tasks that traditional AI tools like Cursor and Windsurf cannot handle. After using it for a while, I noticed significant differences between Devin and Cursor in …

    Tagged as : English AI Programming

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