花了两个月的时间,断断续续做了一些智能/自动家居的改造。感觉自动家居果然是要成体系才会比较有意思——现在的生活 …
Articles in the Computing category
Easy EC2 Sharing (While You Pay the Bill)
AWS is becoming more and more useful for our research, given its ease to build clusters, and the generous sponsor from people.co, we are using it extensively for research. To save cost, we definitely want to shut the machines down when they are not in use. However, the fact …
Easy and cheap cluster building on AWS
It often requires a lot of computational resources to do machine learning / computer vision research, like extracting features from a lot of images, and training large-scale or many classifiers. Therefore people use more than one machines to do the task. The procedures are often like, copy executable/data files …
Scraping photos from Facebook groups
After becoming a (student) pilot, I joined some pilot Facebook groups. Looks a popular game among pilots is to give out a photo of a runway or airstrip, and then ask others to tell where it was taken. This "Name the airport" game acts as a way for the …
Tagged as : EnglishExposing an online interface for MATLAB (and potentially any language)
I was always interested in building a small cluster with my (old) computers for my research project (just like MATLAB Distributed Server or a Hadoop cluster). While MATLAB is one of the most mature platforms for scientific computing, it's also extremely expensive, so expensive that an Ivy League college determines …