这篇文章想聊聊GPT在知识管理领域的重大变革。 首先,我们来了解一下知识管理系统。 我个人对生产力和知识管理非常感兴趣,并进行了很多尝试。 通常 …
Articles in the Computing category
Destroying Traditional Knowledge Management Systems and GUIs with GPT
This article discusses the significant transformation GPT has brought to the field of knowledge management. First, let's understand what knowledge management systems are. I have a personal interest in productivity and knowledge management and have conducted many experiments in this field. Typically, knowledge management systems help us accomplish three tasks …
使用GPT4和Whisper API大幅提升写作效率
最近一段时间,我在撰写文档和文章方面投入了越来越多的时间。在此过程中,我逐渐发现,限制我写作速度的最重要因素 …
Improve Writing Efficiency Using GPT-4 and Whisper API
Recently, I have been dedicating more and more time to writing documents and articles. In this process, I gradually realized that the most significant factor limiting my writing speed is not the speed of my thoughts, but my typing speed, especially when completing relatively simple tasks. To solve this issue …
玩了一晚上OpenAI的ChatGPT,有一些关于技术的看法:ChatGPT的核心优势两点:1. 它对交互的目的有了很准确的把握;2. 它可以记住上下文,准确知道你在下一 …